Restorative Justice Peacemaking Circle Training

  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Social Workers
  • School Counselors and Psychologists
  • Other staff and volunteers
PEACEMAKING CIRCLES are an effective process used in many agencies and schools around the country. They provide an opportunity for youth and adults to come together in a safe and supportive way. This process improves communication skills, teaches new ways to solve conflicts, improves relationships, and is an effective way to celebrate achievements. The key to developing a peaceful environment is to build community.
Using a Circle is an effective tool for learning about one another and building trust.
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE is a process whereby all parties with a stake in a particular situation come together to collectively decide how to deal with it.
Participants will be involved in experiential learning. Each will practice what they have learned by leading a circle. They will be enabled to start using this process immediately. Dress casually and be prepared to have fun!


This training usually lasts three days, and is typically held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm. Each day includes a continental-style breakfast, lunch, and built-in breaks.
Call to schedule training with group.
Consultations available to schools year-round.
Eagle’s Nest Center, Inc., is a nonprofit 501c3 dedicated to spreading restorative justice principles and practices in Wisconsin.